Councillors Dominic King and Jennie Fenton being interviewed at the river December 4 (and mysteriously not identified by NBN news) about the seriousness of our water crisis.
It is very concerning that water consumption has gone up in response to Level 3 Water Restrictions. This situation is now very serious and we all need to be committed to minimising water use when we can. It is time to be proud of a brown lawn and a half full pool, and wear that dusty car like a badge of honour people!
Please spread the word that we are on Level 3 Restrictions which means:
No sprinklers or fixed hoses
Bucketing water on garden any time
Hand-held hose watering only on alternative days before 9am and after 4pm (if you are in an odd numbered house, your days are odd dates and if you are in an even numbered house, your days are even dates)
No washing outside of buildings
Bucket washing of cars only
No filling swimming pools
Even if you aren’t in town or on town water, please be water wise as our rivers are connected, our biodiversity also depend on our water ways and our fire fighters need water too!